App receiver “Listen Up! SYSTEM”

By downloading the “Listen UP! System” app, users can access the event’s interpretation from their own cell phone with crisp and clear audio, regardless of whether the event they are attending is in-person or remote.

At the same time, the event organizer can customize the design and colors.

It’s an incredibly useful and innovative option for events that are held in-person as well as for online events.

How does the receiver app work?

  • Click the event link, scan the QR code, and download the app for free.
  • Choose the event or room you want to listen to.
  • Select your language of preference.
  • Enjoy the event’s interpretation from the comfort of your cell phone.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is CAPPTUR MX, S. de R. L. de C. V’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our mobile application ListenUP System, and other sites or apps we own and operate.

In our app we does not collect personal information about you, it is possible that we automatically collect information intended to improve our products and to better understand how users interact with them. This information is not linked to your identity and includes usage statistics such as time spent on each screen, click counts, crash and error reports.

You can request user data deletion by sending an email to:

We don’t share any personally identifying information publicly or with third parties, except when required to by law.

Our mobile application may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

You are free to refuse our request for your personal information, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired services.

Your continuous use and navigation on the mobile application will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information. If you have any questions about how we handle user data and personal information, feel free to contact us.

This policy is effective as of June 1st, 2022.